Forever Asea

How to use ASEA

Week 1

Day 1 and 2 Start with 30ml (1 oz) once per day, ideally first thing in the morning.

Day 3 - 7 Take 30 ml (1 oz) twice per day, first thing in the morning and last thing at night (on an empty stomach)

Remember to drink water throughout the day when taking Asea. This is a very important step.

Week 2

Day 8 - 14 Increase dosage to 60ml (2 oz) twice per day.

Always drink ASEA first thing in the morning and last thing at night

Always drink lots of water throughout the day.

Week 3

Day 15 - 21 You can stay on the 60ml dosage or increase depending on your ailment.

(Personal note: Because my issues are more serious, I take 120 ml twice per day

It’s important to remember that Asea works gradually over time. It works on your cells and changes are not obvious right away. For many people, noticeable benefits occur within 3 – 6 months of taking Asea regularly. For me, personally, I noticed a lot of changes within 3 weeks of taking Asea.

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